CodeMark Certification

Energy Star Heat Reflective Roof Restoration systems are certified by the CodeMark Certification scheme that supports the use of innovative building products by providing a nationally and internationally accepted process for products to be assessed for compliance with the requirements of the building codes of Australia.
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Roof Restoration with Energy Star Heat Reflective Paint. Australia's Only Independently Certified Heat reflective roof paint for an energy efficient Cool Roof.

CodeMark Certification Certificate

What is CodeMark:
CodeMark is a building product certification scheme. The CodeMark scheme supports the use of new and innovative building products by providing a nationally and internationally accepted process for products to be assessed for compliance with the requirements of the building codes of Australia and New Zealand. The scheme provides confidence and certainty to regulatory authorities and the market through the issue of a Certificate of Conformity. CodeMark is designed to encourage innovation and CodeMark supports a performance-based approach to building construction and design. Companies can apply to CodeMark certification bodies to have their products evaluated and certified as complying with the BCA, which is produced and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board. Relevant legislation requires building control authorities to accept CodeMark certified products.